
Secrets of grindea crystal clear
Secrets of grindea crystal clear

secrets of grindea crystal clear

3 is subtitled "The StupOid Run," which is a call back to his first four videos, "Super Mario Bros. NCS: Dude, nooo! NOOO! Good-bye, my horsey! Good-bye! After he fails to grab the last Green Star and falls into a pit in Clockwork Ruins Galaxy:.He's not exactly pleased to see Maya Fey in a meido outfit in Trials and Tribulations, either.

secrets of grindea crystal clear

In Ace Attorney, Tim has this reaction whenever the 9-year-old Pearl Fey channels the busty adult Mia Fey and takes on her bodily characteristics.


  • He'll occasionally crack his own version of Gunarm Dyne's Running Gag of, "If you're, you're playing the wrong game.".
  • In his Danganronpa streams he adopted Mondo's "Piece of shit!" whenever the character himself appeared on screen or to refer to him in general.
  • secrets of grindea crystal clear

    Likes to do this with other LPers' catchphrases, especially HC Bailly and Lucahjin.Big "YES!": Numerous times, but the crowning example is when he discovers the Great Mighty Poo.To be expected at any plot twist during his Zero Escape streams.In his Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest playthrough, he does this upon clearing the level Target Terror! and learning that the next one is the dreaded Bramble Scramble.


    The crowning example from that series is at the very end of Part 28 of Case 5.

  • He does this and Flat "What" so often in his Ace Attorney playthroughs that he added a "What" counter starting with the third game.
  • He gets a really good one in his The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess playthrough here.
  • Big "OMG!": In his LP of Mother 3, Part 51, where he went through a door and the Ultimate Chimera was waiting behind it.
  • Jovani and the Skulltula Family are good examples.
  • Getting Rupees as rewards for long sidequests sometimes angers him, too.
  • Badass Boast: This tweet regarding a quick Zelda II race he participated in.
  • He's also a badass at video games when serious.
  • Badass Adorable: For a grown man he manages to be this with his love for cute characters, adorable drawing style, and endearing quirks.
  • After making a joke, he deduces that Koops is in an abusive relationship with his girlfriend (which, to be fair, is strongly implied).
  • Alternative Character Interpretation: Invoked in Episode 6 of his Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door LP.
  • NCS: Right in your face, man, right in your armpit! How many different places on Bowser's beaten, battered, bruised, beleaguered, bludgeoned body can we hit next? ( Beat) Those are all actually words, too.
  • Added Alliterative Appeal: At the end of the final boss rematch in Super Mario Galaxy 2:.
  • Miitopia is currently up in the air as it was billed as a "Let's Mess Around On" and Tim has stated he didn't know how much of it he was actually going to showcase.
  • Tim opted to not finsh Kirby's Adventure simply due to the fact he wasn't having fun with it.
  • A Date with Rosie Palms: Describes himself in part 5 of his Metroid LP as once having been able to do "it" with his thighs and not his hands, going to great lengths to avoid saying exactly what "it" is.
  • 100% Completion: NCS didn't think he could get everything in Donkey Kong 64 because some of the golden bananas were extremely difficult for him to get, not to mention the Nintendo and Rareware coins, but he persevered and got everything.
  • Xenoblade Chronicles (Blind, Livestream).
  • Fire Emblem: Awakening (Blind, Livestream).
  • The Zero Escape Trilogy: (Blind, Livestream).
  • Mario Party 2 (dubbed a "LMAO", as it was more for fun).
  • With a new no-sunflower playthrough in June 2019.
  • Zombies note Finished, but he hasn't ruled out spontaneous updates for the sake of fun
  • And again, this time between himself, Gr33n47, Ninosho and Erin Williams.
  • Battletoads (Four-way race with himself, ProtonJon, SuperJeenius, and Pcull44444).

  • Secrets of grindea crystal clear